A Brief on Coronavirus (Covid-19) - Latest Update Coronavirus(Covid-19)

A Brief on Coronavirus (Covid-19)

27 Mar A Brief on Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Back to December of the year 2019, the authorities of Chinese Public Health reported many cases of acute respiratory syndrome in the Wuhan City of Hubei province, China. Soon there was some improvement and the Chinese scientists was able to identify the main cause of the acute respiratory syndrome. The novel coronavirus is the main causative agent of this syndrome and now in 2020, this virus has spread in the whole world. It is now referred to as Coronavirus Disease or COVID-19

The original outburst of this virus spread quickly from Wuhan to other parts of China and then to several other countries. Right now there have been more than 300,000 cases and more than 13,000 deaths all around the globe. The World Health Organization has declared this virus as a pandemic. The symptoms of this virus are same like that of a common flu, they include fever, dry cough and tiredness and if the case is severe then pain in joints can also be felt. Till date, there is no vaccine or cure of this virus, but many clinical trials are going on in the entire world and until then this corona virus can be prevented by washing hands regularly with soap and water for at least twenty seconds or by cleaning them with an alcohol based sanitizer, maintain at least 1 to 3 meter distance from the person sneezing or coughing because the virus can only spread when the saliva droplets of a person’s mouth come in reach with the other person. So, it is also necessary that everyone must practice respiratory etiquettes like sneezing or coughing into a flexed elbow.  Government and other authorities are taking measures to help the citizens of their country every time a new case is identified; this is why the authorities are asking the citizens to avoid unnecessary movement or gathering of people in a group of more than 5. The incubation rate of COVID-19 can range anywhere between 1 to 14 days; a person can show the symptoms of the virus at any time between these days. It may happen that the test is negative today, but turns out to be positive after 5 days.  There is no certain time period of how long this virus stays on a particular surface; it depends on the type of surface and the humidity or temperature of the environment. Apart from the severe life-harming affects this virus is causing to the humankind, it is really slowing down the water pollution and air pollution, which clearly means that the environment is getting cleaner because of the lockdowns and curfews taking place all over the world.

Coronavirus can turn into a very deadly disease if all the citizens don’t start isolating themselves because social isolation is the key to stop this virus. Social distancing can interrupt human to human transmission of this virus and this will prevent any further spread of the same. Self-Quarantine is the only way through which the intensity of this epidemic can be reduced.

Stay tuned for the next blog on Coronavirus(Covid-19) by Assignmentworkhelp

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